Monthly Archives: March 2019

Speaking at Microsoft Ignite – The Tour Stockholm

It is with great pride I can announce that I will speak at Microsoft Ignite – The Tour, in Stockholm April 24-25 2019. This conference, which already is sold out and now only available on waiting list, will be held at Stockholmsmassan, and you can read more about it here:

Ignite The Tour Stockholm will have over 150 different breakout sessions, theatre sessions, modules and workshops, covering 10 learning paths. Speakers will be from Microsoft, and from the MVP and Regional Director community, which I’m so fortunate and honored to be part of 😉

I will be speaking at the following sessions:

In addition to this I will participate on the following hands-on workshop as a proctor:

You will also find me at the experts area and doing booth duty, I will be at the following demo stations at the Hub and Microsoft Showcase area, covering topics on Azure and Azure AD:

  • Demo Station #5 (Azure): Day 1 1600-1800: “Getting Started with Azure Log Analytics and Azure Monitor using Azure AD Activity Logs
  • Demo Station #6 (Azure): Day 2 0800-1200: “Getting Started with Azure Log Analytics and Azure Monitor using Azure AD Activity Logs

I’m really excited for presenting these sessions and being part of the Ignite The Tour Community! Hope to see you there 🙂